Bonjour!.. Guten tag !..Hello !..Добрый денъ !..Buongiorno !..¡Buenos días!..Γειά σου !..Goedendag !..여보세요 !..Hye !..你好!..Bom-dia !.. こんにちは !.. Goeiedag !.. Mire dita !.. Dana esteline !.. Barev !.. Sunchhen !.. Idh iyessbhene !.. Halo !.. Mingalar pa !.. Salutu !.. Dobar Dan !.. Hej !.. Saluton !.. Tere !.. Hey !.. Gia !.. Dia duit !.. Mba'eichapa !.. Namaskaar!.. Szia !.. Ciao !.. Selamat sore !.. Konnichi wa !..สวัสดครับี !.. Azzoul !.. Tcheripsou !.. Silav !.. Moien !.. Dobarden !.. Namaskaram !.. Kia ora !.. Ia orana !.. Merhaba !.. Sawubona !.. Chao !.. Shalom !.. أهلاً !.. שָׁלוֹם ... Salam !..

Plan general : famous jews



Zalman Kleinman zt"l was a Chassidic artist living in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York. Unlike many other current Chassidic artists, who come from a Baaley Teshuva background, Zalman came from a family that has been with Chabad for many generations. He was a self-taught artist, who I have met with personally, and who embodied the true menchlichkeit and quiet sincerity of an elder Chabadnik. His artwork is stunning in its ability to be both life-like and 3 Dimensional.

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